
Electronic Login

The library at Abuyog Community College offers electronic login. When accessing the library, the student or instructor will provide their barcode or QR code; they may find their passcode on their portal.

To develop student skills and resourcefullness in the use of books and libraries and to encourage the habit of personal invistigation.
The Abuyog Community College (ACC) Library envisions to provide E-library for prompt and precise information resources and exceptional library services to achieve personal, educational and professional growth.
  1. Leave your bag at the counter. Bring your valuable things and your needed materials for studying or researching.
  2. Observe Silence
  3. Return the books, newspaper and other reading materials where you have taken them.
  4. Be honest, it is a virtue. Do not bring the books and other library properties with you without the permission of the librarian or the library in-charge.
  1. Do not stay at the bag's counter. It is not a place for playing or chatting.
  2. Do not forget to log in and log out
  3. Do not not litter inside the library
  4. Do not chat nor engage in petty talks. The library is a place for studying, searching and researching.
  5. Do not drag the chairs, lift them. Return them properly to thier proper place as you leave.
Depository/Control Section
  • Students who use the library are required to sign their names, course and year on the attendance sheet/logbook located on the table upon entering the library.
  • They are required to leave their things or bags in the baggage shelves provided in front of the library’s door. Wallets and other valuable materials (calculators, cell phones etc.) may be brought inside. The school will not be responsible for any losses.
Student Responsibilities
  • Students should always present their borrowers card when availing of library services.
  • Students will be held accountable for all the books they signed for. After using the books, they should return these as soon as possible so others may avail of them.
  • Students should not leave the charging desk before the verification or notification process is completed.
Library Borrower's Card Application
  • Application for borrowers’ card must be made during the official registration period. This will be issued or revalidated only upon presentation of the student’s copy of the enrollment form.
  • Students are required to fill up the library registration form given to them with a 1x1 ID picture and a minimum fee stated by the library.
  • Upon submission of the said requirements, students library card will be processed. Names will be posted if the library card is ready for release.